Let’s learn skincare Ingredient together -Astaxanthin


Astaxanthin has a wide range of applications in cosmetics and health products:
1、 Application in cosmetics
Antioxidant effect:
Astaxanthin is an efficient antioxidant with an antioxidant capacity 6000 times that of vitamin C and 550 times that of vitamin E. It can effectively eliminate free radicals and reduce the damage of oxidative stress to the skin.
It can resist free radicals generated by ultraviolet radiation, prevent photoaging, and reduce the occurrence of wrinkles, pigmentation, and sagging.
Helps maintain skin elasticity and firmness, making the skin smoother and more delicate.
Anti wrinkle effect:
Astaxanthin can promote the production of collagen, increase skin thickness and elasticity, and reduce the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.
Synergistic effect with other anti wrinkle ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and peptides to enhance the anti wrinkle effect.
Whitening and Spot Whitening:
Inhibit the production of melanin, reduce pigmentation and dullness, and make the skin brighter.
When used in combination with whitening ingredients such as vitamin C and niacinamide, it can improve the whitening effect.
Moisturizing effect:
Astaxanthin can enhance the skin’s barrier function, reduce water loss, and maintain skin hydration.
Combined with moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin and hyaluronic acid, it provides a long-lasting moisturizing effect.
Soothing repair:
For sensitive skin, astaxanthin has a certain soothing and repairing effect, reducing inflammatory reactions and alleviating skin allergy symptoms.
It can accelerate the repair process of damaged skin and promote wound healing.
2、 Application in health products
Protect your eyes:
Astaxanthin can cross the blood-brain barrier and reach the retina and macular area, reducing the damage of free radicals to the eyes.
Helps prevent and improve eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration and retinopathy, and protects vision.
Enhance immunity:
Astaxanthin has the function of regulating the immune system, enhancing the body’s resistance, and preventing infections and diseases.
It can promote the activity of immune cells and enhance immune function.
Preventing cardiovascular diseases:
Reduce the level of cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood, and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
Has anti thrombotic properties and protects cardiovascular health.
Anti inflammatory effect:
Astaxanthin can inhibit the production of inflammatory factors, alleviate inflammatory reactions, and have a certain preventive and therapeutic effect on inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and asthma.
Delaying aging:
Due to its strong antioxidant capacity, astaxanthin can delay cell aging and prolong lifespan.
Helps maintain the function of body organs and improve quality of life. Visit news website for more technology news.

Post time: Sep-05-2024