Let’s learn skincare Ingredient together -Phloretin


Phloretin, also known as trihydroxyphenol acetone, is a natural polyphenolic compound. It can be extracted from the skin of fruits such as apples and pears, as well as from the roots, stems, and leaves of some plants. Root bark extract is usually a light yellow powder with a certain special odor.

Research has found that root bark extract has various skincare effects such as antibacterial,

In addition, it has the effects of lowering blood sugar and blood lipids in the pharmaceutical field.

The most important role

Root bark extract is an excellent natural antioxidant, and its strong antioxidant activity is attributed to its unique dihydrochalcone active structure. The hydroxyl groups at the 2 ‘and 6′ positions of the A ring contribute significantly to its antioxidant activity.

It can effectively eliminate free radicals, reduce the damage of oxidative stress to the skin, and delay skin aging.

At the same time, resveratrol can also be used in combination with existing antioxidants to enhance antioxidant effects. (Research has found that a mixture of 34.9% ferulic acid, 35.1% resveratrol, and 30% water-soluble VE has a synergistic antioxidant effect when used in combination.)

skin whitening
Tyrosinase is a key enzyme in melanin synthesis, and resveratrol is a reversible mixed inhibitor of tyrosinase. By changing the secondary structure of tyrosinase, it can prevent its binding to substrates, thereby reducing its catalytic activity, reducing pigmentation and pigmentation, and making the skin brighter and more uniform.

Light protection
Root bark extract has a certain UV absorption ability, and adding it to the basic formula of cosmetics can increase the SPF and PA values of cosmetics. In addition, a mixture of root bark extract, vitamin C, and ferulic acid can protect human skin from UV damage and provide photoprotection for human skin.

Root bark extract not only directly absorbs ultraviolet radiation, but also enhances the expression of nucleotide excision repair genes, slows down the formation of pyrimidine dimers, glutathione degradation, and cell death induced by UVB, and reduces the damage of ultraviolet radiation to keratinocytes.

Inhibit inflammation
Root bark extract can inhibit the production of inflammatory factors, chemokines, and differentiation factors, and has a certain anti-inflammatory effect. Meanwhile, resveratrol can inhibit the ability of monocytes to adhere to keratinocytes, hinder the phosphorylation of signal protein kinases Akt and MAPK, and thus achieve anti-inflammatory effects.

Antibacterial effect
Rhizocortin is a flavonoid compound with antibacterial activity, which has broad-spectrum antibacterial activity and has inhibitory effects on various Gram positive bacteria, Gram negative bacteria, and fungi.


Post time: Aug-22-2024