Industry News

  • Resveratrol–Fascinating Cosmetic Active Ingredient

    Resveratrol–Fascinating Cosmetic Active Ingredient

    The discovery of resveratrol Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound widely found in plants. In 1940, Japanese first discovered resveratrol in roots of plant veratrum album. In the 1970s, resveratrol was first discovered in grape skins. Resveratrol exists in plants in trans and cis free forms; bot...
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  • Bakuchiol—Popular Natural Anti-aging Active ingredient

    Bakuchiol—Popular Natural Anti-aging Active ingredient

    What is Bakuchiol? Bakuchiol is a 100% natural active ingredient obtained from the babchi seeds (psoralea corylifolia plant). Described as the true alternative to retinol, it presents striking resemblances with the performances of retinoids but is much gentler with the skin. Bakuchiol is a 100% n...
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  • Vitamin C and Its Derivatives

    Vitamin C and Its Derivatives

    Vitamin C is most often known as Ascorbic Acid,L-Ascorbic Acid.It’s pure,100% authentic, and helps you achieve all your vitamin C dreams .This is vitamin C in its purest form,the gold standard of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is the most biologically active of all the derivatives, making it the strong...
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